Prayer Concerns
Prayer Concerns:
Pray for Forrest Schleske for recovery and deliverance, Judy Shofner, she had open heart surgery Nov. 13. She is at Heritage Living center for rehab, Carol Muff fell and broke her femur and will have surgery on Monday to repair it, in Sanford hospital Fargo, Richard Swanson recovering from shingles, for complete healing, Nathan Kimball who is doing treatments for extensive cancer, Lance Schoeberl who is doing treatments for his cancer, Helen Ellingson who is having mental confusion, Paul Frohman for healing, Daron Schleske who is still battling limes disease, Jim Mulari for memory loss, Bill Bateman for healing from Parkinson’s, , Boyd Sharp for continued strength. Bob R. who has been diagnosed with a memory loss disease, pray for his wife Andie as they make this journey. Darlene Wettels who is having treatment for cancer. For Ellen Graves for healing in her eye. Randy George for healing, Luke Schmoll for complete recovery, and for his new ministry, Becky’s daughters Melonie, for healing from multiple surgeries on her foot, and Krista and Jenny for healing, Mike Barlow’s dad and mom for healing. For Laura Winterberger who is in a care facility, Nathan McKibben for wisdom and blessing, Lynette Lindstrom; Hazel Aho; who is at Green Pine nursing home in Menahga, Ron and Kory James. Pray for the peace of Jerusalem, pray for our nation, our state, and our church, that God would lead our leaders to obey Him. For our nation to repent of our sin and turn to God. Pray for those who are serving in our armed forces and those who have served our country.
Pray for marriages, families, and people to come to know Jesus. Missionaries and families that we support: David and Rita Blake-Wycliffe Bible Translators; Camp Joy near Dent MN; Luke and Kristina Schmoll in Mpls-Cru - Campus Crusade; Groupe Yentemma pastors and evangelists who were displaced in Burkina Faso. Grant and Maddie Jepson who are missionaries with Cru in Greenville North Carolina. The Joshua Fund, Paul Straubel who leads the Center for Indian ministries. Prayer Support: Richard Wanzala Okwara-Kenya; Josh Oswald-Hubbard Co. Deputy Sheriff. Craig Clark and Thai Thaim ministry in Thailand.
Prayer request: call Coralyn 218-252-9136 or 218-366-2262.
Welcome to “Your Country Church home” We are so glad that you are here at our friendly church in the country. It is our prayer that you will meet Jesus here. We trust God will use today’s worship, ministry, music, and message to touch your heart and impact your life for all ofeternity. Christ gives us all hope. Pastor Paul McKibben Church (218) 573-3143 Parsonage (218) 573-3118 Pastors Cell (218) 841-9047